顧承宇 主任
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
113/11 | Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential in Central Taiwan Using Random Forest Method | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Yu-Jia Chiu, Ting-Yuan Wu | Nature, Scientific Reports |
113/10 | Localized Space-Time Trefftz Method for Diffusion Equations in Complex Domains | Li-Dan Hong, Weichung Yeih, Cheng-Yu Ku, and Yan Su | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements |
113/09 | A Spacetime RBF-Based DNNs for Solving Unsaturated Flow Problems | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku* and Wei-Da Chen | Mathematics |
113/08 | An Advanced Soil Classification Method Employing the Random Forest Technique in Machine Learning | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Ting-Yuan Wu, and Yun-Cheng Ku | Applied Sciences |
113/05 | Deep Neural Networks with Spacetime RBF for Solving Forward and Inverse Problems in the Diffusion Process | Ku, Cheng-Yu, Chih-Yu Liu, Yu-Jia Chiu, and Wei-Da Chen | Mathematics |
113/04 | Predictive Modeling of Fire Incidence Using Deep Neural Networks | Cheng-Yu Ku and Chih-Yu Liu | FIRE |
113/02 | Charactering Human-Caused Fires Using GIS-Based Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Keelung City, Taiwan | Cheng-Yu Ku, Hsueh-Chuan Lu, Yi-Tse Tu, Chih-Yu Liu* | Applied Sciences |
112/10 | A Novel Spacetime Boundary–Type Meshless Method for Estimating Aquifer Hydraulic Properties through Pumping Tests | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu* | Mathematics |
112/10 | Reconstructing Missing Time-Varying Land Subsidence Data Using Back Propagation Neural Network with Principal Component Analysis | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Jia-Fu Hsu | Nature, Scientific Reports |
112/09 | A Novel ANN-Based Radial Basis Function Collocation Method for Solving Elliptic Boundary Value Problems | Chih-Yu Liu and Cheng-Yu Ku | Mathematics |
112/03 | Modeling of land subsidence using GIS-based artificial neural network in Yunlin County, Taiwan | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu | Nature, Scientific Reports |
112/03 | Solving Subsurface Flow toward Wells in Layered Soils Using Hybrid Method of Fundamental Solutions | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Li-Dan Hong | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements |
111/12 | A novel space-time marching method for solving linear and nonlinear transient problems | Li-Dan Hong, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Chih-Yu Liu | Mathematics |
111/11 | Spatial Variability in Land Subsidence and Its Relation to Groundwater Withdrawals in the Choshui Delta | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Hsueh-Chuan Lu | Applied Sciences |
111/05 | A Simplified Radial Basis Function Method with Exterior Fictitious Sources for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku | Mathematics |
111/04 | Solving Inverse Problems of Stationary Convection–Diffusion Equation Using the Radial Basis Function Method with Polyharmonic Polynomials | Jing-En Xiao, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Chih-Yu Liu* | Applied Sciences |
111/03 | A Novel Radial Basis Function Approach for Infiltration–Induced Landslides in Unsaturated Soils | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Frank T.-C. Tsai | Water |
110/11 | A Meshless Method with Radial Basis Function for Solving Unsaturated Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Wei-Po Huang, Jing-En Xiao | Journal of Marine Science and Technology |
110/10 | Space–time polyharmonic radial polynomial basis functions for modeling saturated and unsaturated flows | Cheng-Yu Ku, Li-Dan Hong, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao | Engineering with Computers |
110/06 | Infinitely Smooth Polyharmonic RBF Collocation Method for Numerical Solution of Elliptic PDEs | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku *, Li-Dan Hong, Shih-Meng Hsu | Mathematics |
110/04 | Modeling Transient Flows in Heterogeneous Layered Porous Media Using Space–time Trefftz Method | Cheng-Yu Ku, Li-Dan Hong, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao, Wei-Po Huang | Applied Sciences |
110/04 | Numerical solutions of two-dimensional Laplace and biharmonic equations by the localized Trefftz method | Yan-Cheng Liu, Chia-Ming Fan, Weichung Yeih, Cheng-Yu Ku, Chiung-Lin Chu | Computers and Mathematics with Applications |
110/02 | Use of hydraulic test data to recognize fracture network pattern of rock mass in Taiwan mountainous areas | Shih-Meng Hsu *, Chien-Ming Chiu, Chien-Chung Ke, Cheng-Yu Ku, Hao-Lun Lin | Applied Sciences |
110/01 | A GIS-Based Artificial Neural Network Model for Flood Susceptibility Assessment | Nanda Khoirunisa, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Chih-Yu Liu | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
110/01 | A collocation method with space–time radial polynomials for inverse heat conduction problems | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao, Shih-Meng Hsu, Weichung Yeih | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements |
110/01 | On solving elliptic boundary value problems using a meshless method with radial polynomials | Cheng-Yu Ku, Jing-En Xiao*, Chih-Yu Liu, Der-Guey Lin | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation |
109/12 | Solving Transient Groundwater Inverse Problems Using Space–time Collocation Trefftz Method | Cheng-Yu Ku, Li-Dan Hong, Chih-Yu Liu | Water |
109/10 | Multiquadrics without the Shape Parameter for Solving Partial Differential Equations | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao, Shih-Meng Hsu | Symmetry |
109/10 | Space–time radial basis function–based meshless approach for solving convection–diffusion equations | Cheng-Yu Ku, Jing-En Xiao*, Chih-Yu Liu | Mathematics |
109/08 | A Collocation Method Using Radial Polynomials for Solving Partial Differential Equations | Cheng-Yu Ku, Jing-En Xiao | Symmetry |
109/06 | Numerical Analyses of Pile Foundation for Support Structure of Offshore Wind Turbine at Changhua Coast in Taiwan | Der-Guey Lin, Sheng-Hsien Wang, Jui-Ching Chou, Cheng-Yu Ku, Lien-Kwei Chien | Journal of Marine Science and Technology |
109/05 | Solving backward heat conduction problems using a novel space–time radial polynomial basis function collocation method | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao, Ming-Ren Chen | Applied Sciences |
109/05 | Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation on the Efficiency of Subsurface Drainage for Large-Scale Landslides | Der-Guey Lin, Kuo-Ching Chang, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Jui-Ching Chou | Applied sciences |
109/02 | A Novel Meshfree Approach with Radial Polynomial for Solving Nonhomogeneous Partial Differential Equations | Cheng-Yu Ku, Jing-En Xiao*, Chih-Yu Liu | Mathematics |
109/01 | Modeling Tide–induced Groundwater Response in a Coastal Confined Aquifer Using the Spacetime Collocation Approach | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu *, Yan Su, Luxi Yang *, Wei-Po Huang | Applied Science |
邱昱嘉 組長
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
113/11 | Evaluation of liquefaction potential in central Taiwan using random forest method. | C.Y. Liu, C.Y. Ku, Y.J. Chiu, T.Y. Wu | Scientific Reports |
113/10 | Development of Potential Slip Surface Identification Model for Active Deep-Seated Landslide Sites: A Case Study in Taiwan. | S.M. Hsu, C.C. Hsiung, Y.J. Chiu, Y.F. Liao, J.R. Lin | Geosciences |
113/05 | Deep Neural Networks with Spacetime RBF for Solving Forward and Inverse Problems in Diffusion Process | C.Y. Ku, C.Y. Liu, Y.J. Chiu, W.D. Chen | Mathematics |
111/02 | Propagation and Separation of Downslope Gravity Currents over Rigid and Emergent Vegetation Patches in Linearly Stratified Environments | Y.T. Lin, Y.Q. Ye, D.R. Han, Y.J. Chiu | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering |
110/05 | Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Flow in a Strongly Curved Channel with Gravel Beds | Ying-Tien Lin, Yu Yang, Yu-Jia Chiu, Xiaoyan Ji | Water |
黃偉柏 組長
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
113/06 | Comparing the Dominant Factors in Coastal Morphology: Inappropriate Infrastructure vs. Climate Change—A Case Study of the Hsinchu Fishery Harbor, Taiwan | Jui-Chan Hsu, Wei-Po Huang and Chun-Jhen Ye | sustainability |
112/08 | Assessing the impact factors and corresponding weights affecting the coastal morphology of Hsinchu Coast, Taiwan | Wei Po Huang, Jui Chan Hsu , Chun Jhen Ye | Journal of Sea Research |
111/11 | Forecasts of the Compound Coastal Erosion Risks Based on Time-Variant Assessment: A Case Study on Yunlin Coast, Taiwan | Wei-Po Huang, Chun-Jhen Ye, and Jui-Chan Hsu | Sustainability |
111/06 | Impact of coastal development on coastal morphology of Taiwan: Case studies and proposed countermeasures | Wei Po Huang | Journal of Sea Research |
111/02 | On-Site Investigations of Coastal Erosion and Accretion for the Northeast of Taiwan | Ting-Yu Liang, Chih-Hsin Chang, Shih-Chun Hsiao, Wei-Po Huang, Tzu-Yin Chang, Wen-Dar Guo, Che-Hsin Liu, Jui-Yi Ho, and Wei-Bo Chen | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering |
110/11 | A Meshless Method with Radial Basis Function for Solving Unsaturated Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu, Wei-Po Huang, and Jing-En Xiao | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering |
110/09 | Long-Term Observations of Interannual and Decadal Variation of Sea Surface Temperature in the Taiwan Strait | Ming-An Lee, Wei-Po Huang, Yi-Lo Shen, Jinn-Shing Weng, Bambang Semedi, Yi-Chen Wang, and Jui-Wen Chan | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering |
110/04 | Modeling Transient Flows in Heterogeneous Layered Porous Media Using the Space–Time Trefftz Method | Cheng-Yu Ku, Li-Dan Hong, Chih-Yu Liu, Jing-En Xiao and Wei-Po Huang, | Applied Sciences |
109/01 | Modeling Tide–Induced Groundwater Response in a Coastal Confined Aquifer Using the Spacetime Collocation Approach | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu, Yan Su, Luxi Yang, and Wei-Po Huang | Applied Sciences |
吳南靖 組長
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
112/05 | Analysis of Navier–Stokes equations by a BC/GE embedded local meshless method | Nan-Jing Wu (*), Der-Liang Young | Acta Mechanica |
110/11 | A Two-Dimensional Shallow-Water-Equation Meshless Model with Fictitious Water Level at Dry Nodes | Tai-Wen Hsu, Shin-Jye Liang, Nan-Jing Wu* | Journal of Hydraulic Research |
110/11 | A Weighted-Least-Squares Meshless Model for Non-Hydrostatic Shallow Water Waves | Wu, N.-J.; Su, Y.-M.; Hsiao, S.-C.; Liang, S.-J.*; Hsu, T.-W.* | Water |
110/07 | Predicting the Compressive Strength of Concrete Using an RBF-ANN Model | N-Jing Wu | Applied Sciences |
110/04 | An ANN model for predicting the concrete compressive strength | Chia-Ju Lin, Nan-Jing Wu | Applied Sciences |
109/10 | Simulation of Ocean Circulation of Dongsha Water Using Non-Hydrostatic Shallow-Water Model | Shin-Jye Liang, Chih-Chieh Young, Chi Dai, Nan-Jing Wu*, and Tai-Wen Hsu | Water |
劉芷妤 組長
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
113/11 | Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential in Central Taiwan Using Random Forest Method | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Yu-Jia Chiu, Ting-Yuan Wu | Nature, Scientific Reports |
113/09 | A Spacetime RBF-Based DNNs for Solving Unsaturated Flow Problems | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku, Wei-Da Chen | Mathematics |
113/08 | An Advanced Soil Classification Method Employing the Random Forest Technique in Machine Learning | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Ting-Yuan Wu, Yun-Cheng Ku | Applied Sciences |
113/05 | Deep Neural Networks with Spacetime RBF for Solving Forward and Inverse Problems in Diffusion Process | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Yu-Jia Chiu *, Wei-Da Chen | Mathematics |
113/04 | Predictive Modeling of Fire Incidence Using Deep Neural Networks | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu* | Fire |
113/02 | Charactering Human-caused Fires Using GIS-based Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Keelung City, Taiwan | Cheng-Yu Ku, Hsueh-Chuan Lu, Yi-Tse Tu, Chih-Yu Liu * | Applied Sciences |
112/10 | A Novel Spacetime Boundary-Type Meshless Method for Estimating Aquifer Hydraulic Properties Using Pumping Tests | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu* | Mathematics |
112/10 | Reconstructing Missing Time-Varying Land Subsidence Data Using Back Propagation Neural Network with Principal Component Analysis | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Jia-Fu Hsu | Nature, Scientific Reports |
112/09 | A Novel ANN-Based Radial Basis Function Collocation Method for Solving Elliptic Boundary Value Problems | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku* | Mathematics |
112/03 | Modeling of Land Subsidence Using GIS-based Artificial Neural Network in Yunlin County, Taiwan | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu* | Nature, Scientific Reports |
112/03 | Solving Subsurface Flow toward Wells in Layered Soils Using Hybrid Method of Fundamental Solutions | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Li-Dan Hong | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements |
111/12 | A Novel Space-Time Marching Method for Solving Linear and Nonlinear Transient Problems | Li-Dan Hong, Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu | Mathematics |
111/12 | Spatial Variability in Land Subsidence and Its Relation to Groundwater Withdrawals in the Choshui Delta | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Hsueh-Chuan Lu | Applied Sciences |
111/05 | A Simplified Radial Basis Function Method with Exterior Fictitious Sources for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku* | Mathematics |
111/04 | Solving Inverse Problems of Stationary Convection–Diffusion Equation Using the Radial Basis Function Method with Polyharmonic Polynomials | Jing-En Xiao, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Chih-Yu Liu* | Applied Sciences |
111/03 | A Novel Radial Basis Function Approach for Infiltration-Induced Landslides in Unsaturated Soils | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Frank T.-C. Tsai | Water |
110/11 | A Meshless Method with Radial Basis Function for Solving Unsaturated Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Wei-Po Huang, Jing-En Xiao | Journal of Marine Science and Technology |
110/11 | Space–time Polyharmonic Radial Polynomial Basis Functions for Modeling Saturated and Unsaturated Flows | Cheng-Yu Ku, Li-Dan Hong, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao | Engineering with Computers |
110/06 | Infinitely Smooth Polyharmonic RBF Collocation Method for Numerical Solution of Elliptic PDEs | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Li-Dan Hong, Shih-Meng Hsu | Mathematics |
110/04 | Modeling Transient Flows in Heterogeneous Layered Porous Media Using the Space–Time Trefftz Method | Cheng-Yu Ku, Li-Dan Hong*, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao, Wei-Po Huang* | Applied Sciences |
110/01 | A Collocation Method with Space–Time Radial Polynomial for Inverse Heat Conduction Problems | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao, Shih-Meng Hsu, Weichung Yeih | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements |
110/01 | A GIS-Based Artificial Neural Network Model for Flood Susceptibility Assessment | Nanda Khoirunisa, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Chih-Yu Liu* | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
110/01 | On Solving Elliptic Boundary Value Problems Using a Meshless Method with Radial Polynomials | Cheng-Yu Ku Jing-En Xiao*, Chih-Yu Liu, Der-Guey Lin | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation |
109/12 | Solving Transient Groundwater Inverse Problems Using Space–Time Collocation Trefftz Method | Cheng-Yu Ku, Li-Dan Hong*, Chih-Yu Liu* | Water |
109/11 | Multiquadrics without the Shape Parameter for Solving Partial Differential Equations | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao, and Shih-Meng Hsu | Symmetry |
109/10 | Space–Time Radial Basis Function–Based Meshless Approach for Solving Convection–Diffusion Equations | Cheng-Yu Ku*, Jing-En Xiao*, Chih-Yu Liu | Mathematics |
109/05 | Solving Backward Heat Conduction Problems Using a Novel Space–Time Radial Polynomial Basis Function Collocation Method | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Jing-En Xiao, Ming-Ren Chen | Applied Sciences |
109/02 | A Novel Meshfree Approach with Radial Polynomial for Solving Nonhomogeneous Partial Differential Equations | Cheng-Yu Ku, Jing-En Xiao*, Chih-Yu Liu | Mathematics |
109/01 | Modeling Tide–Induced Groundwater Response in a Coastal Confined Aquifer Using the Spacetime Collocation Approach | Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu*, Yan Su, Luxi Yang, Wei-Po Huang | Applied Sciences |
109/01 | Recovering the Initial and Boundary Data in the Two-Dimensional Inverse Heat Conduction Problems Using the Novel Space-Time Collocation Meshfree Approach | Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku | Computational and Experimental Simulations in Engineering |
Dr. Behera
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
113/12 | Impact of bottom explosions on wave formation in the presence of an inertial surface and wave current in a viscous fluid | Prasad, I.M., Behera, H.*, Hsu, Tai-Wen, Zheng, S. and Mandal, B.N. | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
113/11 | Evaluation of oscillating water column efficiency in the presence of multiple bottom-standing breakwaters under oblique waves | Venkateswarlu, V., Kottala, P., Vijay, K.G., Nishad,C.S. and Behera, H.* | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
113/11 | Surface and interfacial waves propagation over an undulating bottom in a stratified fluid with a moored porous-flexible barrier | Prasad, I. M., Prasad, R.M., Tsai, C., Hsu, T-W, and Behera, H.* | Journal of Engineering Mechanics, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) |
113/11 | Wave scattering by multiple floating flexible circular plates over a porous bed | Kushwaha, A., Gupta, V., Behera, H*, and Hsu Tai-wen | Ocean Engineering, Elsevier |
113/10 | Wave attenuation on a floating rigid dock by multiple surface-piercing vertical thin perforated barriers | Paul, D, and Behera, H.* | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Elsevier |
113/08 | Impact of floating flexible plate on the stability of double- layered falling flow | Hossain.,M.M., Ghosh, Sukhendu and Behera, H.* | Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier |
113/07 | The influence of bottom disturbances on wave generation in a viscous liquid in the presence of uniform current | Prasad, I.M., Behera, H.* and B.N. Mandal | Ocean Engineering, Elsevier |
113/06 | Odd-viscosity induced surfactant-laden shear- imposed viscous film over a slippery incline: a stability analysis | Hossain.,M.M., Ghosh, Sukhendu and Behera, H.* | Mecanica, Springer |
113/06 | Wave energy extraction by an OWC device in the presence of a porous bottom | Naik, N., Kushwaha, A., Behera, H*, and C-C, Tsai | Energy Reports, Elsevier |
113/04 | Role of topographical disturbances on hydroelastic response of a floating membrane over a slippery bottom | Prasad, I.M, and Behera, H.* | Waves in Random and Complex Media, Taylor and Francis |
113/03 | Effects of topographical disturbances on flexural wave motion in a viscous fluid | Prasad, I.M, Behera, H.*, Tsai,C. and Hsu, Tai-wen | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
113/03 | Hydrodynamic stability analysis of shear-layered fluid flow over a porous bed in the presence of a floating elastic plate | Paul, D, Hossain, M., and Behera, H.* | International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Elsevier |
113/01 | Oblique Wave Trapping by Sinusoidal Rippled Barrier of Finite Thickness Placed on Closely Spaced Semi-Circular Seabed | Venkateswarlu, V., Vijay, K.G., Nishad,C.S. and Behera, H. | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
113/01 | Wave dynamics around a floating circular flexible plate over a permeable bed | R. Gayathri, C., Tsai, C. and Behera, H.*, | Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME |
113/01 | Wave scattering by a circular cylinder over a porous bed | Kushwaha, A., Behera, H*, and Gupta, V. | Archive of Applied Mechanics, Springer |
112/12 | Role of dual breakwaters and trenches on efficiency of an oscillating water column | Naik, N., Zheng, S. and Behera, H.* | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
112/11 | Wave power extraction by a dual OWC chambers over an undulated bottom | Naik, N., Gayathri, R., Behera, H.*, and Tsai, C. | Renewable Energy, Elsevier |
112/07 | Attenuation in hydroelastic response of floating-elastic-plate by porous membrane in two-layer fluid with bottom undulation | Prasad, I.M., Prasad, N.M., Prasad, R.M. and Behera, H.* | Ocean Engineering, Elsevier |
112/03 | Analysis of water wave interaction with multiple submerged semi-circular porous structures | Tsai, C., Behera, H.* and Hsu, T. | Archive of Applied Mechanics, Springer |
112/02 | Hydrodynamic instability of odd-viscosity-induced shear-imposed falling film | Paul, D., Hossain, M., and Behera, H.* | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
112/01 | Instability mechanism of shear-layered fluid in the presence of a floating elastic plate | Hossain, M., Tsai, C. and Behera, H.* | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
112/01 | Prediction based mean-value-at-risk portfolio optimization using machine learning regression algorithms for multi-national stock markets | J, Behera, Pasayat, A, Behera, H. and Kumar, P. | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier |
111/11 | Linear instability of a surfactant-laden shear imposed falling film over an inclined porous bed | Hossain, M, Ghosh, S. and Behera, H.* | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
111/11 | Shear-imposed falling thin Newtonian film over a porous slippery surface | Hossain, M, and Behera, H.* | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
111/10 | Oblique long wave scattering by an array of bottom-standing non-smooth breakwaters | Kar, P, Behera, H. and Sahoo, T | Fluids, MDPI |
111/09 | Quasi-periodic one-dimensional photonic crystal as a perspective structures for nanophotonics: Analysis of transmittivity spectra | Biswal, A., Kumar, R., Behera, H*. and Lyubchanskii, I.L. | Materials Science and Engineering: B |
111/08 | Attenuation of wave force on a floating dock by multiple porous breakwaters | Gayathri, R., Khan, M.and Behera, H.* | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Elsevier |
111/08 | Hybrid boundary element and eigenfunction expansion method for wave trapping by a floating porous box near a rigid wall | Sahoo, H, Gayathri, R., Khan, M. and Behera, H.* | Ships and Offshore Structures, Taylor & Francis |
111/06 | Analysis of transmission spectra in one-dimensional ternary photonic crystals with complex unit cell | Biswal, A., Kumar, R., Nayak, C., Dhanalaksmi, S., Behera, H. and Lyubchanskii, I.L. | Optik, Elsevier |
111/06 | Wave attenuation by a submerged circular porous membrane | Gayathri, R., Khan, M., Behera, H.* and Tsai, C. | Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, Elsevier |
111/04 | Scattering of water waves by very large floating structure in the presence of a porous box | Singla, S., Behera, H., Martha, S. and Sahoo, T. | Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME |
111/01 | COVID‑19 Vaccination Effect on Stock Market and Death Rate in India | Behera, J., Pasayat, A.K. and Behera. H. | Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, Springer |
110/12 | Wave trapping by a submerged permeable flexible membrane near an impermeable sea wall | Gayathri, R. Behera, J. and Behera, H* | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP) |
110/08 | Surface wave scattering by multiple flexible fishing cage system | Selvan, S.A., R. Gayathri, Behera, H.* and Meylan, M. | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
110/08 | Wave attenuation properties of rubble mound breakwater in tandem with a floating dock against oblique regular waves | Khan, M., Gayathri, R. and Behera, H.* | Waves in Random and Complex Media, Taylor & Francis |
110/07 | Impact of sloping porous seabed on the efficiency of an OWC against oblique waves | Khan, M. and Behera, H.* | Renewable Energy, Elsevier |
110/07 | Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard instability of a channel flow with uniform cross-flow and thermal slip | Khan, M., Sani, M., Ghosh, S and Behera, H.* | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
110/06 | Boundary element method for wave trapping by a multi-layered trapezoidal breakwater near a sloping rigid wall | Khan, M., Behera, H.*, Sahoo, T. and Neelamani, S | Meccanica, Springer |
110/05 | Hydroelastic response of a floating plate on the falling film: A stability analysis | Selvan, S.A., Ghosh, S, Behera, H.* and Meylan, M. | Wave Motion, Elsevier |
110/04 | Tunable properties of one-dimensional GaAs/AlAs-based photonic crystal containing two defect layers | Biswal, A., Kumar, R., Nayak, C., Dhanalaksmi, S. and Behera, H. | Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) |
110/03 | Effects of topographical disturbances on flexural wave motion in a viscous fluid | Prasad, I.M, Behera, H.*, Tsai,C. and Hsu, Tai-wen | Physics of Fluids, AIP |
109/11 | Effect of imposed shear on the dynamics of a contaminated two-layer film flow down a slippery incline | Sani, M., Selvan, S.A., Ghosh, S and Behera, H.* | Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics |
109/10 | Mitigation of wave force on a circular flexible plate by a surface-piercing flexible porous barrier | Gayathri, R. and Behera, H* | Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, SAGE |
109/07 | Effect of a floating elastic membrane for stabilizing the film flow down a porous inclined plane | Sani, M., Ghosh, S. and Behera, H.* | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-ZAMM, Wiley |
109/05 | Oblique wave scattering by a floating bridge in the presence of a vertical permeable flexible barrier | Gayathri, R., Kar, P., Behera, H*. and Sahoo, T., | Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME |
109/03 | Wave energy dissipation by a floating circular flexible porous membrane in single and two-layer fluids | Selvan, S.A. and Behera, H* | Ocean Engineering, Elsevier |
109/02 | Analysis of wave action through multiple submerged porous structures | Khan, M. and Behera, H*. | Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME |
劉進賢 博士
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
113/03 | Precise eigenvalues in the solutions of generalized Sturm-Liouville problems | Chein-Shan Liu, Yung-Wei Chen, Chih-Wen Chang | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation |
113/01 | Pseudo and anisotropic MFS for Laplace equation and optimal sources using maximal projection method with a substitution function | Chein-Shan Liu, Chung-Lun Kuo | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements |
112/12 | The meshless solutions of Laplacian non-harmonic and Cauchy problems by developing novel hybrid methods | Chein-Shan Liu | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements |
112/11 | A two-dimensional variant of Newton’s method and a three-point Hermite interpolation: fourth- and eighth-order optimal iterative schemes | Chein-Shan Liu, Essam R. El-Zahar, Chih-Wen Chang | Mathematics |
112/10 | Nonlinear Cauchy/Robin inverse problems solved by an optimal splitting-linearizing method | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
112/09 | Dynamical optimal values of parameters in the SSOR, AOR and SAOR testing using the Poisson linear equations | Chein-Shan Liu, Essam R. El-Zahar, Chih-Wen Chang | Mathematics |
112/09 | Regularized normalization methods for solving linear and nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Mathematics | Chein-Shan Liu, Chung-Lun Kuo, Chih-Wen Chang | Mathematics |
112/08 | Solving Sturm–Liouville inverse problems by an orthogonalized enhanced boundary function method and a product formula for symmetric potential | Chein-Shan Liu, Botong Li | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation |
112/06 | Fictitious time integration method for seeking periodic orbits of nonlinear dynamical systems | Chein-Shan Liu, Satya N. Atluri, Honghua Dai | International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics |
112/03 | A new quotient and iterative detection method in an affine Krylov subspace for solving eigenvalue problems | Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang, Jian-Hung Shen, Yung-Wei Chen | Journal of Mathematics |
112/03 | Solving nonlinear elliptic inverse source, coefficient and conductivity problems by the methods with bases satisfying the boundary conditions automatically | Chein-Shan Liu, Lin Qiu | Journal of Scientific Computing |
112/03 | Solving the 2D and 3D nonlinear inverse source problems of elliptic type partial differential equations by a homogenization function method | Chein-Shan Liu, Lin Qiu | Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations |
112/03 | Solving the fourth-order nonlinear boundary value problem by a boundary shape functions method | Chein-Shan Liu, Botong Li | Canadian Journal of Physics |
112/02 | Nonlinear algebraic equations solved by an optimal splitting-linearizing iterative method | Chein-Shan Liu, Essam R. El-Zahar, Yung-Wei Chen | CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences |
112/01 | Periodic solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations computed by a boundary shape function method and a generalized derivative-free Newton method | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
111/11 | Free vibrations of multi-degree structures: solving quadratic eigenvalue problems with an excitation and fast iterative detection method | Chein-Shan Liu, Chung-Lun Kuo, Chih-Wen Chang | Vibration |
111/10 | Solving nonlinear third-order boundary value problems based-on boundary shape functions | Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang | Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. |
111/09 | Numerical and approximate analytic solutions of second-order nonlinear boundary value problems | Chein-Shan Liu, Jian-Hung Shen, Yung-Wei Chen | J. Marine Sci. Tech. |
111/09 | Solving nonlinear boundary value problems with nonlinear integral boundary conditions by local and nonlocal boundary shape functions methods | Chein-Shan Liu, Yung-Wei Chen, Jian-Hung Shen | J. Marine Sci. Tech. |
111/08 | A boundary shape function method for computing eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Sturm-Liouville problems | Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang, Jian-Hung Shen, Yung-Wei Chen | Mathematics |
111/08 | Recovering temperature-dependent heat conductivity in 2D and 3D domains with homogenization functions as the bases | Ji Lin, Chein-Shan Liu | Engineering with Computers |
111/08 | To solve forward and backward nonlocal wave problems with Pascal bases automatically satisfying the specified conditions | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang, Yung-Wei Chen, Jian-Hung Shen | Mathematics |
111/07 | Accurate eigenvalues for the Sturm-Liouville problems, involving generalized and periodic ones | Chein-Shan Liu | J. Math. Research |
111/07 | Higher-order asymptotic numerical solutions for singularly perturbed problems with variable coefficients | Chein-Shan Liu, Essam R. El-Zahar, Chih-Wen Chang | Mathematics |
111/06 | Periodic orbits of nonlinear ordinary differential equations computed by a boundary shape function method | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang, Yung-Wei Chen, Yen-Shen Chang | Symmetry |
111/06 | Solving inverse conductivity problems in doubly-connected domains by the homogenization functions of two parameters | Jun Lu, Lianpeng Shi, Chein-Shan Liu, C.S. Chen | Mathematics |
111/05 | A new family of generalized quadrature methods for solving nonlinear equations | Chein-Shan Liu, Tsung-Lin Lee | Asian-European J. Math. |
111/05 | A novel perturbation method to approximate the solution of nonlinear ordinary differential equation after being linearized to the Mathieu equation | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
111/04 | Lie-group shooting/boundary shape function methods for solving nonlinear boundary value problems | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | Symmetry |
111/04 | Solving nonlinear parabolic equations under nonlocal conditions by a nonlocal boundary shape function and splitting-linearizing method | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | Numer. Heat Transfer B |
111/03 | A non-iteration solution for solving the backward-in-time two-dimensional Burgers’ equation with a large Reynolds number | Yen-Shen Chang, Yung-Wei Chen, Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang | J. Marine Sci. Tech. |
111/02 | Asymptotic numerical solutions for second-order quasilinear singularly perturbed problems | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | J. Marine Sci. Tech. |
111/02 | Boundary shape function iterative method for nonlinear second-order boundary value problem with nonlinear boundary conditions | Aimin Deng, Ji Lin, Chein-Shan Liu | Math. Comput. Simul. |
111/01 | Modified asymptotic solutions for second-order nonlinear singularly perturbed boundary value problems | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | Math. Comput. Simul. |
111/01 | Solving nonlinear boundary value prob- lems by a boundary shape function method and a splitting and linearizing method. | Chein-Shan Liu, Essam R. El-Zahar, Chih-Wen Chang | International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation |
111/01 | Two-point generalized Hermite interpolation: double-weight function and functional recursion methods for solving nonlinear equations | Dongjie Liu, Chein-Shan Liu | Math. Comput. Simul. |
110/10 | A homogenization method to solve inverse Cauchy-Stefan problems for recovering non-smooth moving boundary, heat flux and initial value | Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang | Inv. Prob. Sci. Eng. |
110/10 | A simplified Lindstedt-Poincare method for saving computational cost to determine higher order nonlinear free vibrations | Chein-Shan Liu, Yung-Wei Chen | Mathematics |
110/09 | A splitting method to solve a single nonlinear equation with derivative-free iterative schemes | Chein-Shan Liu, Hong-Ki Hong, Tsung-Lin Lee | Math. Comput. Simul. |
110/09 | Solving a nonlinear heat equation with nonlocal boundary conditions by a method of nonlocal boundary shape functions | Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang | Numer. Heat Transfer B |
110/08 | A boundary shape function iterative method for solving nonlinear singular boundary value problems | Chein-Shan Liu, Essam R. El-Zahar, Chih-Wen Chang | Math. Comput. Simul. |
110/08 | A homogenization function technique to solve the 3D inverse Cauchy problem of elliptic type equations in a closed walled shell | Chein-Shan Liu, Yaoming Zhang, Fajie Wang | Inv. Prob. Sci. Eng. |
110/07 | A boundary collocation method for anomalous heat conduction analysis in functionally graded materials | Z. Fu, L. Yang, Q. Xi, Chein-Shan Liu | Comput. Math. Appl. |
110/07 | Three novel fifth-order iterative schemes for solving nonlinear equations | Chein-Shan Liu, Essam R. El-Zahar, Chih-Wen Chang | Math. Comput. Simul. |
110/06 | A new family of fourth-order optimal iterative schemes and remark on Kung and Traub’s conjecture | Chein-Shan Liu, Tsung-Lin Lee | J. Math. |
110/06 | Solving nonlinear third-order three-point boundary value problems by boundary shape functions methods | Ji Lin, Y. Zhang, Chein-Shan Liu | Adv. Difference Eqs. |
110/05 | Solving second-order nonlinear boundary value problem with nonlinear boundary conditions by an iterative method | Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang | Engineering Computations |
110/05 | Solving the boundary layer problems with buoyancy effect over a moving and permeable plate by a boundary shape function method | Chein-Shan Liu, Lin Qiu, Botong Li, Shiwen Liu | European Physical Journal Plus |
110/04 | A boundary shape function method for analyzing nonlinear composite beams, subjecting to nonlinear boundary moment conditions | Chein-Shan Liu | Composite Structures |
110/03 | Solving nonlinear elliptic equations in arbitrary plane domains by using a new splitting and linearization technique | Chein-Shan Liu, Essam R. El-Zahar, Yung-Wei Chen | Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. |
110/02 | A spring-damping regularization of the Fourier sine series solution to the inverse Cauchy problem for a 3D sideways heat equation | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | Inv. Prob. Sci. Eng. |
110/02 | Solving a singular beam equation by the method of energy boundary functions | Chein-Shan Liu, Botong Li | Math. Comput. Simul. |
110/01 | A homogenization function method for inverse heat source problems in 3D functionally graded materials | Lin Qiu, Ji Lin, Fajie Wang, Qing-Hua Qin, Chein-Shan Liu | Applied Mathematical Modelling |
110/01 | Recovering external forces on the vibrating Euler-Bernoulli beams by the methods of boundary shape functions | Chein-Shan Liu, Chung-Lun Kuo, Chih-Wen Chang | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
109/11 | Reducing the near boundary errors of nonhomogeneous heat equations by boundary consistent methods | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | IMA J. Appl. Math. |
109/10 | Identifying heat conductivity and source functions for a nonlinear convective-diffusive equation by energetic boundary functional methods | Chein-Shan Liu, Han-Taw Chen, Jiang-Ren Chang | Numer. Heat Transfer B |
109/09 | Analytic series solutions of 2D forward and backward heat conduction problems in rectangles and a new regularization | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | Inv. Prob. Sci. Eng. |
109/08 | A Constraint type fictitious time integration method to solve non-linear multi-dimensional elliptic partial differential equations | Yung-Wei Chen, Chein-Shan Liu, Yen-Shen Chang, Jiang-Ren Chang | J. Marine Sci. Tech. |
109/08 | Boundary shape function method for nonlinear BVP, automatically satisfying prescribed multipoint boundary conditions | Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang | Boundary Value Problems |
109/07 | A new splitting technique for solving nonlinear equations by an iterative scheme | Chein-Shan Liu | J. Math. Research |
109/07 | An energetic boundary functional method for solving the inverse source problems of 2D nonlinear elliptic equations | Chein-Shan Liu | Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. |
109/07 | Solving a nonlinear inverse Sturm-Liouville problem with nonlinear convective term using a boundary functional method | Chein-Shan Liu, Botong Li, Shilong Liu | Inv. Prob. Sci. Eng. |
109/06 | Forced and free vibration of composite beams solved by an energetic boundary functions collocation method | Chein-Shan Liu, Botong Li | Math. Comput. Simul. |
109/06 | Identifying space-time dependent force on the vibrating Euler-Bernoulli beam by a boundary functional method | Chein-Shan Liu, Botong Li | Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems |
109/05 | Rayleigh quotient and orthogonality in the linear space of boundary functions, finding accurate upper bounds of natural frequencies of non-uniform beams | Chein-Shan Liu, B. Li | Archive Appl. Mech. |
109/04 | An energetic boundary functional method for solving the inverse heat conductivity problems in arbitrary plane domains | Chein-Shan Liu | Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer |
109/04 | Solving heat equations under convection boundary conditions by a high-performance space-time boundary shape functions method | Chein-Shan Liu, Lin Qiu, Ji Lin | Numer. Heat Transfer B |
109/03 | Overcoming the near boundary error in the solution of non-homogeneous wave equation by a boundary consistent method | Chein-Shan Liu, Fajie Wang | European Physical Journal Plus |
109/03 | Solving the optimal control problems of nonlinear Duffing oscillators by using an iterative shape functions method | Chein-Shan Liu, Chung-Lun Kuo, Jiang-Ren Chang | CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences |
109/02 | Analytic solutions of the eigenvalues of Mathieu’s equation | Chein-Shan Liu | J. Math. Research |
109/02 | Simulating thin plate bending problems by a family of two-parameter homogenization functions | Chein-Shan Liu, Lin Qiu, Ji Lin | Applied Mathematical Modelling |
109/01 | The periods and periodic solutions of nonlinear jerk equations solved by an iterative algorithm based on a shape function method | Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang | Appl. Math. Letters |
陳邦富 博士
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
112/03 | Kinematic, dynamic, and energy characteristics of swirling sloshing waves | Chih-Hua Wu, Tin-Kan Hung and Bang-Fuh Chen | Ocean Engineering |
112/01 | Mechanism of switch direction of the swirling sloshing waves | Bang-Fuh Chen, Chih-Hua Wu and Odd Magnus Faltinsen | J. Fluid Mechanics |
111/06 | Determining optimal number of cores in a submarine power cable | Meng-Chang Hsieh, Bang-Fuh Chen*, Yanyang Wang, Hsun-Cheng Chang, Wen-Hsiu Liu and Hung-Lin Hsu | International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering |
110/11 | A close relationship between internal wave and free surface waves | Bang-Fuh Chen* and Yi-Jei Huang | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering |
110/11 | A Simple Nozzle-Diffuser Duct Used as a Kuroshio Energy Harvester | Yeh, P.-H.; Tsai, S.-Y.; Chen, W.-R.; Wu, S.-N.; Hsieh, M.-C.; Chen, Bang-Fuh* | Processes |
110/10 | A numerical study of hybrid tuned mass damper and tuned liquid damper system on structure motion control | Meng-Chang Hsieh, Guan-Lee Huang, Haijun Liu, Shih-Jiun Chen and Bang-Fuh Chen*, | Ocean Engineering |
110/06 | A platform for Kuroshio Energy Harvesters | Po-Hung Yeh, Shang-Yu Tsai, Wei-Ren Chen, Shih-Meng Hsu, Bang-Fuh Chen* | Ocean Engineering |
110/05 | Method of fundamental solutions on simulating sloshing liquids in a 2D tank | Bing-Ham Lin, Bang-Fuh Chen* and Chia-Cheng Tsai | Computers & Mathematics with Applications |
109/10 | Performance Analysis and Tank Test Validation of a Hybrid Ocean Wave-Current Energy Converter with a Single Power Takeoff | Boxi jiang; Xiaofan Li; Shuo Chen; Qiuchi Xiong; Bang-Fuh Chen; Robert G Parker and Lei Zuo | Energy Conversion and Management |
109/07 | Multiple TLDs on Motion Reduction Control of the Offshore Wind Turbines | Po-Hung Yeh, S. H. Chung and Bang-Fuh Chen* | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering |
時繼宇 博士
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
113/08 | The impact of flooding from the Minjiang River on the succession of harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by diatoms in China’s offshore waters | Yun-Chi Lin, Ya-Han Nien, Kuo-Ping Chiang, Chien-Pang Chin , Wei-Ting Chen, Gwo-Ching Gong, Wen-Chen Chou, Chi-Yu Shih, Kuo-Shu Chen | Marine Pollution Bulletin |
113/01 | Assessing inorganic nitrogen transport in marine phytoplankton assemblages through the 15N-tracer technique and metatranscriptomics | Chi-Yu Shih, Kai-Zhe Chang, Pei-Ling Wang, Jeng Chang, Lee-Kuo Kang | Marine Ecology Progress Series |
112/12 | Microbial Community and Genome Structure in Coastal Seawater From a Commercial Port and Nearby Offshore Island in Northern Taiwan | Chi-Yu Shih, Ching-Hsiang Chin, Shiow-Yi Chen, Chun-Ru Hsu, Lee-Kuo Kan, and Wen-Shyong Tzou | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY |
112/06 | Distinctive microbial community and genome structure in coastal seawater from a human-made port and nearby offshore island in northern Taiwan facing the Northwestern Pacific Ocean | Chi-Yu Shih, Shiow-Yi Chen, Chun-Ru Hsu, Ching-Hsiang Chin, Wei-Chih Chiu, Mei-Hung Chang, Lee-Kuo Kang, Cing-Han Yang, Tun-Wen Pai, Chin-Hwa Hu, Pang-Hung Hsu, Wen-Shyong Tzou | PLoS ONE |
111/06 | Detection of bioluminescent dinoflagellates based on luciferase genes during the ‘blue tears’ season around the Matsu archipelago | Chi-Yu Shih, Sheng-Fang Tsai, Hao-Jinn Wang, Ssu-Ying Hwang , Lee-Kuo Kang | AQUATIC BIOLOGY |
110/09 | Temporal variations in the expression of a diatom nitrate transporter gene in coastal waters off northern Taiwan: The roles of nitrate and bacteria | Chi-Yu Shih, Wei-Cheng Liu, Ting-Hsuan Kuo, Ya-Fan Chan, Yun-Chi Lin, Gwo-Ching Gong, Lee-Kuo Kang, Jeng Chang | Continental Shelf Research |
110/07 | How communities of marine stramenopiles varied with environmental and biological variables in the subtropical northwestern pacific ocean | Yun‑Chi Lin, Chien‑Pang Chin, Jinny Wu Yang, Kuo‑Ping Chiang, Chih‑hao Hsieh, Gwo‑Ching Gong, Chi‑Yu Shih, Szu‑Ying Chen | Microbial Ecology |
110/01 | Sequence comparison and expression analysis of an inferred Na+/Pi cotransporter gene in the marine diatom Skeletonema tropicum | Shr-Hau Hung, Yung-Hsiu Lu, Chih-Ching Chung, Chi-Yu Shih, Gwo-Ching Gong and Jeng Chang | Botanica Marina |
109/05 | Growth study under combined effects of temperature, pH and salinity and transcriptome analysis revealed adaptations of Aspergillus terreus NTOU4989 to the extreme conditions at Kueishan Island Hydrothermal Vent Field, Taiwan | Ka-Lai Pang, Michael Wai-Lun Chiang, Sheng-Yu Guo, Chi-Yu Shih, Hans U. Dahms, Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Hyo-Jung Cha | PLoS ONE |
莊水旺 博士
出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
111/04 | Influence of Different Addition Ratios of Fly Ash on Mechanical Properties of ADC10 Aluminum Matrix Composites | Shueiwan Henry Juang and Ching-Feng Li | Metals |
年份 | 期刊數量 (篇) |
109 | 135 |
110 | 137 |
111 | 110 |
112 | 70 |
113 | 60 |